Frequently Asked Questions

(click each section's arrow to see the answer)

  • What can PyCubed do?

    More than someone can list! To start...

  • How do I add new libraries to my PyCubed board?

    How to add a CircuitPython library

    This is where CircuitPython really shines!

    1. Find a CircuitPython library online
      (there's a section below about
      searching for libraries)
    1. Copy the library file (or folder) to your board's /PYCUBED/lib/ directory
    1. Restart your board (Ctrl+D from the REPL)
    1. Done! 🎉 You can now import the library from your code or the REPL

    Everything pertaining to the library is contained in that single file- cool! That means if its a .py file, you can also open it, read the contents to see how that specific library works, and even make edits to suit your needs.

    NOTE: the .mpy file extension means the python library has been compressed. CircuitPython can still read these files, but you wont be able to edit them.

    Examples for adding a library

    • → Example 1

      Say you want to add a thermistor to your board for measuring temperature. You have it all hooked up, and now you need some code to check if it's working.

      1. Search and find a library online like this: Adafruit Thermistor
      1. Download the adafruit_thermistor.py file
        1. On github you can either clone/download the repo. Or...
        1. Click the file, then click "Raw"
        1. Select all the text with Ctrl+a and copy it with Ctrl+c
      1. Create a new file in the lib folder of your PyCubed board:

      1. Open your new file, paste the copied text, and save
      1. Done! You can now import the library from your code or the REPL

    • → Example 2

      Sometimes you'll find CircuitPython libraries online that are a folder instead of just a single .py file. For example, the Adafruit library for PWM motors and servos

      1. Download a zip of the library repo:
      1. Unzip the folder
      1. Copy the adafruit_motor directory to your /PYCUBED/lib/ folder:


      1. Done! You can now import the library from your code or the REPL

    See 👇 for tips on finding new CircuitPython libraries

  • Is there a CircuitPython library for my XYZ device?

    Libraries make interacting with different devices and hardware much easier! Folks are creating new libraries for things daily, so here are my "order of operations" for libraries:

    1. NOTE: All default hardware on PyCubed has a hardware library. View the extensive pycubed.py library info page to see the helper functions and get a feel for how it's set up.
    1. Occasionally visit the bundled releases page and download the latest adafruit-circuitpython-bundle-py zip file. Unzip the download and browse the contents for your device, part number, etc...
    1. If #2 above doesn't yield a satisfactory result, google "circuitpython YOURDEVICEHERE library" and see what comes up.
    1. In MANY cases another library can be used to operate your device with some (if any) modifications. Skim the datasheet of your part and look for similar devices, protocols, part numbers, etc... in the library bundle referenced above.
  • Can I connect my custom board/payload/widget?

    Probably! There are many GPIO pins exposed on PyCubed, but the primary means of interfacing with external boards/payloads are the 4 surface-mount payload slots or 2 payload header slots.

    See 🎛Payloads & Interfacing with External Boards

  • What else is needed to have a functioning CubeSat?

    At a minimum, the CubeSat would need:

    • PyCubed mainboard
    • Battery
    • Frame/shell
    • Solar cells

  • What batteries should I use?
    • 2S__P Li-Ion battery pack (usually containing 18650 cells).

    The regulator can take an input voltage of 4.5V to 18V, which accommodates a wide range of batteries. However, the battery charging circuit is configured for a "2S" battery. The charging circuit can be reconfigured, though! See Battery Charging Configurations.

  • Do I need an antenna for the radio?

    Yes! See 📡Antennas for a full discussion

  • What can PyCubed NOT do?

    It may sound too good to be true compared to commercial options available, but as the field of embedded electronics continues to boom, hardware is becoming increasingly integrated and widely used across engineering disciplines. PyCubed leverages these trends, augmented by informed radiation-testing experiments as needed.

    PyCubed mainboard does not have:

    • A traditional attitude determination and control(ADCS) unit. However, PyCubed has an excellent IMU, and if a traditional ADCS is needed it can be added to to the spacecraft and interfaced to PyCubed using the abundant payload and GPIO connectors.
    • A standard PC/104 bus connector. But there's nothing saying you can't fork the hardware repo and add your own!